Kizuna AI—Touch the Beat! Coming to PS4 and PS5 in 2023

Kizuna AI—Touch the Beat!, the VR game released on Oculus (Meta) Quest January last year, is set to be released on the PS4 and PS5 early next year.

Gemdrops Game Studios, the game developer in charge, said on Twitter that it will announce new information at the Tokyo Game Show on September 18, 2022 at 1:30p.m. Japan time.

Kizuna-chan (#kzn), the CeVIO voice AI developed with the VTuber, will have a mini-live at the said event.

The rhythm game's listing on the Oculus website describes the game as follows:

In the game, you are an audience at Kizuna AI's performance stage. Feel the rhythm to the song and hit the notes that come flying towards you with your penlight. There are various levels and note speeds. Try out the different difficulty levels that you prefer.

© Kizuna AI / Photo taken from game's website