How Well-Designed Websites Can Add to a VTuber's Brand Value

As part of a VTuber's brand promotion, they can set up a website of their own – oftentimes, it's a Carrd or Linktree page. For groups who want to stand out from the rest, they can opt to get the services of a web designer or developer to help set up their website.

A web designer lays out the visuals, while a web developer prepares the source code to make it possible. Fortunately, we were able to talk to someone from Romania who is both a designer and developer.

PixelEase's Matt has served VTuber agencies and groups such as idol and BlueJumpProject – and recently, Virtux and VChiBan. That's on top designing chat widgets and layouts for various VTubers. His work speaks for himself, but we'd like to know more why he focused on VTubers as his target market.

Humble Beginnings

Matt started his journey into web design and development as he plays the popular rhythm game osu!.

"Maybe it's a weird story but I started designing while playing osu! by pure accident, I wanted to swap the skin out since I didn't like how it played, then I started editing the images inside the skin, joined a server full of people doing the same thing to boast with my work and got heavily roasted for my [Microsoft Paint]-style paintings.

"Then over time got better at it and because of the anime style osu! has, I already knew what VTubers were. That's how I learned design, I had no idea it was design I was getting into."

"Then Redo suggested I try making overlays for VTubers, and I started working for a friend who happened to want to debut as a VTuber, and made them the first overlay. So I blame Redo for it."

His Decision to Cater Specifically to VTubers

Matt was made aware of design from osu!, so how did he took things up a notch? What led him to cater to VTubers? "I've been a bit nerdy about computers since a small kid so I already was familiar with web code just through my hobbies.

"VTuber style websites sounded really fun, I haven't seen something like that done right before, so I tried making some for free for some friends, and turns out people liked them enough to want to pay me for them, so that's how I ended up here. [laughs]"

Why is Good VTuber Design Important?

Having done major projects for his clients – whether a stream overlay or a full website – we asked Matt why good design is important in VTubing.

"Well, like the interior of a house or a car, if it's beautiful, it just makes it way more valuable or attractive. Same with overlays and websites, when you've got a nice place to look at, people tend to gravitate towards that naturally, and would value it more than something simple or lazy.

"It can also force atmospheres, maybe a dark and sharp overlay would make the VTuber look more scary, or a fun and bubbly overlay could make a VTuber feel more innocent, that's how it can help force a certain feeling onto the viewer and convey the feeling that's intended."

Working with VTuber Agencies

We then asked Matt what he has learned from working with VTuber agencies. "Both idol and BlueJump have really great people and leadership, I love them both.

"Working with GreatMoonAroma who runs BlueJump is especially funny since we sometimes talk in English and sometimes in translators, I love it and they're great people regardless!"

"BlueJump was a great stepping stone for PixelEase just because it got it going as a VTuber brand and I learned how the Framer setup would be for VTuber agencies!"

Framer is a service which received a Product Hunt Award, placing 2nd in the no-code category on top of numerous monthly and daily accolades.

Experiment Around

As we conclude our conversation with Matt, we asked him to share tips for those who want to pursue a career in website design and development:

"If you'd like to learn how to make sites as well, just experiment around with Framer or what tool you prefer, get really familiar with it, and force yourself to make a site with it!

"The only way you can ever learn how to build sites or what it takes to build sites for other people is to actually make them. Like anything, there's a fall and stumble, but you learn to not make the same mistakes."

VTuber NewsDrop's Spotlight series brings a voice not only to VTubers but also the people and the culture in the ever-evolving VTuber scene.

If you'd like to be featured on this series, pitch your idea to us and its value to VTubing via email: hello[at]