What's Up in Philippine VTubing—January 2023

We are starting to go back to our usual routine, and we've come to a point where we cannot avoid talking about what's happening in the Philippine VTuber community this early. This is the return of the localized NewsDrop for the Filipino VTubing scene.

For me, I find writing this digest still important, despite my conflicts of interest, which I settled prior to writing this (you'll see why later in this post). Last month's digest was exciting to write, given all the PHVTuber merch releases at Cosplay Matsuri 2022:

What’s Up in Philippine VTubing—December 2022
Jay writes a special NewsDrop for the Philippines, sharing recent announcements from local groups—plus merch announcements this coming Cosplay Matsuri week!

This month's digest is by far a difficult piece to jot down, but in the interest of providing you information you need to know, I am still bringing you what's happening here. Thank you very much for understanding.

Night Parade Calls Out Unnamed VTuber Over Issues

Monday, January 9: Lady Kei, the mafia boss of Night Parade, called out a certain VTuber to respond against multiple counts of taking advantage of individuals and groups in the local scene for his gain.

Some viewers, VTubers included, have an inkling of who was referred in the blind item, had an inkling of who's being referred to. The next day following the stream, Lady Kei released a statement on Twitter assuring that:

[...] apologies were sent to me and the members (of Night Parade). It is in our discretion if we choose to accept it or not.

KoMETA Updates Flagship Talent Elaine's Streaming Times

Tuesday, January 10: KoMETA Virtual Live adjusts the streaming schedule of its flagship talent Elaine due to her health condition.

KoMETA informs her fans that she has experienced worsening conditions on her spinal injury, prompting the company to make the changes in support of her situation.

We wish Elaine the best of health, and KoMETA all the best in dealing with the health situation.

Project Solaria Terminates Flagship VTuber

Wednesday, January 11: Project Solaria announced the immediate termination of its flagship talent Tsukimi Lune (2.0) due to "multiple violations" of its Code of Conduct.

The Tsukimi Lune character has a history of changes:

  • The first Lune, a mascot of website Anime Corner, debuted as a VTuber in April 2021 and graduated April 24, 2022.
  • Prior to her graduation, the first Lune was selected as one of the participants in Kizuna Ai's hello, world 2022 concert before the pioneering VTuber went on a "long sleep".
  • A second audition for the role was held starting May 18, and the successor debuted on Twitch August 13 the same year.
  • By the time Lune's successor had debuted, Project Solaria, a spinoff of Anime Corner's VTuber talent side, had taken over Tsukimi Lune's management.

Project Solaria has since removed Tsukimi Lune's social media accounts, phasing the character out of its talent roster.

Disclosure: This writer left Project Solaria as its External Consultant Monday, January 9, 2023 in good terms.

Prior to building NewsDrop, this writer pioneered Anime Corner's VTuber Section until its closure around the middle of 2022.

Talent Leaves Studio AX

Friday, January 13: ASHA, a talent of Studio AX, has announced her departure from the agency due to differences between her and the studio.

The studio confirmed her departure in its official statement hours after the announcement:

Fans following ASHA have sent their messages of support following her exit.

In closing, we reflect on what KoMETA's CEO GIRA tweeted, which sums up the feelings I have as I wrote this digest:

For the record, NewsDrop has reported on some of the milestones in the community:

NewsDrop will continue to highlight what's up in Philippine VTubing in its next digests. Thank you for reading!