Submit News Tips

VTuber NewsDrop is open to your news tips. If you believe that your story is newsworthy or something beneficial to the wider VTuber scene, tag us on X/Twitter.

However, if you are under an official representation, we encourage you to sign up as a NewsDrop newsletter subscriber/member (at no cost) to access the form below, share more details and set an embargo.


Submissions must NOT:

  • Advocate hate and/or violence (for example, smear campaigns) against any individual/s or organization/s
  • Intolerance of any race or gender
  • Have any insulting, obscene, degrading or sarcastic tone (including any profanity)
  • Promote any activity related to hacking, cracking, illegal substances, explicit adult content, radicalism and terrorism

Important Things to Know:

  • All news tips and press release submissions are subject to rewriting
  • We will still need to check your news tip, so make your submission unique
  • We have the discretion to approve or reject a news tip without further notice when appropriate